Following the article on what to eat in the morning gym to gain muscle and lose fat, there have been many questions about the best time to exercise, what time to exercise is the most effective...
To help clarify many people's questions about exercising in the morning, afternoon, and evening, it is best to immediately refer to when to exercise at the gym to bring the most benefits.
If you are the first person to the gym, in addition to choosing the right exercises, asking the coaches about the diet, you will surely wonder if you can practice in the morning, noon, afternoon or evening. .
Simply because everyone's work time is different, not to mention the question of whether it is better to exercise in the morning or in the afternoon because many rumors online say that exercising in the afternoon will be much better, but in the morning it is not necessary. practice because it's not good.
When is the best time to exercise in the gym?
Many people think that hitting the gym in the morning will help the body absorb nutrients better. For men, testosterone levels in the morning are at their highest to help the body build better muscle.
However, there is also an opinion that "exercise in the morning, sports in the afternoon". Going to the gym in the evening will be better, because at this time, the body has loaded with more nutrients, helping you push better weights, and training performance is also higher.
Not to mention, someone asked if it was okay to exercise in the afternoon because it was only at this time that I was free to practice, but morning and evening were all busy. In fact, no idea is wrong and no idea is completely right because there is simply no concept of the best time to go to the gym for everyone.
The right morning, afternoon, afternoon, evening workout for you depends on a lot of factors:
- Your rhythm of life: Also known as your body's routine. You may be the type of person who goes to bed early, wakes up early, or sleeps late, wakes up early, or sleeps late and wakes up late. If it's type 3, it's not reasonable to do morning exercises, right? At that time, I was still busy sleeping, and my energy and spirit did not go to the gym.
- Your job: If you are an office worker who works 8 hours a day, 8 o'clock has to go to work, not to mention preparing, long distances, traffic jams, breakfast... If you choose to practice in the morning, you must get up at 5 am. 6 am to prepare, eat and then go to practice. So is it too early? Is it suitable for you? Sleep enough? Note, you must immediately see the article on the benefits of sleep for the muscles of gym people before reading on.
The correlation of circadian rhythms and each time frame
If you read this far, you probably have a rough understanding of what time is best for you to do weight training, right? Now let's find out if circadian rhythms and time frames are related!
1. Morning: This is a very good time to build muscle because at this time natural testosterone levels (not from steroids) are at their highest. Testosterone plays an important role in protein synthesis, aids in muscle building, and repairs muscle fibers damaged during exercise. In addition, you can also focus on the highest mental, form a connection between the muscles and the mind, feel the muscles more effectively. Benefit
- Highest Testosterone
- Most alert, peaks late in the morning
Note, the body temperature is still low at this time, so you must warm up before exercising thoroughly to help warm up the machine.
2. Afternoon: The best time for pain tolerance, highest body temperature. Benefit
- Highest pain tolerance
- Low energy around noon
- In the late afternoon, adrenaline and body temperature gradually increase
3. Evening: This is the time to achieve the strongest exercise performance. Benefit
- Highest performance
- Flexible and full of energy (with food conditions)
If you exercise too late, it will affect your metabolism and make it difficult to sleep when you go home. View more: 19 Best Sauna Suit To Lose Weight 2021 For You
4. Night: From 9pm onwards, the body produces melatonin to prepare for sleep. At this time, the body's activity will begin to slow down, so it is not recommended to be active.
In short, what is the best and most effective time to exercise right now? There is no best time, only the right time for you. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about, just focus on bodybuilding nutrition and training methods.
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