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Showing posts from June, 2021

Anemic pregnant women should eat what to quickly get healthy?

  "What should an anemic pregnant mother eat?"  This is an issue that many pregnant women are concerned about.  Nutrition needs to be carefully considered during pregnancy.  So, let's take a look at the list of effective iron supplements for pregnant women! During pregnancy, the health of the mother is extremely important.  Many studies have shown that the nutritional composition of the mother is a decisive factor in the development of the fetus.  However, iron deficiency in pregnant women is very common nowadays.  So what should pregnant women with anemia eat?  Let's find out together! 1. Cauliflower – the top answer to the question “what should an anemic pregnant woman eat?” Broccoli (aka broccoli) has long been a health food thanks to its impressive nutritional content.  Therefore, this vegetable is even more recommended during pregnancy.  Specifically, cauliflower contains vitamins A and C, protein, chromium, carbohydrates, calcium and especially a lot of iron - s

What should anemic people not eat to avoid more serious illness?

  Anemia is a common disease in all genders and ages.  In order to heal quickly, nutrition plays an important role.  Here is information that anemic people should not eat, let's pay attention to avoid more serious disease! 1. Anemia should not eat?  The first answer is foods containing oxalic acid axit Oxalic acid is a relatively strong organic acid that can react with calcium in the blood or in tissues to precipitate calcium oxalate.  Therefore, foods containing a lot of oxalic acid are advised not to be used for anemia patients. Foods high in oxalic acid in descending order: star fruit pepper Parsley Spinach Spinach Sugar beet Cocoa Chocolate Peanut 2. Tannin-rich foods Tannins (or tannins, tannins) are polyphenol compounds that have the ability to form stable bonds with proteins.  This substance often appears in tea or wine with a characteristic acrid sensation when drinking. For people with anemia, foods rich in tannins should not be on the eating list.  Because when put into t

5 dishes to cure anemia from the liver to help you recover

  The liver contains a lot of iron and trace minerals that have an effective blood tonic effect.  In this article, I will introduce to you 5 foods to treat anemia from the liver to help you recover quickly. 1. Strawberry-leaf chicken liver soup – a mouth-watering dish to cure anemia Of all the types of liver, chicken liver is considered the healthiest.  They contain a lot of vitamin B12, which is good for anemia, prevents memory loss, strengthens the immune system, and increases energy. Mulberry leaf is a familiar medicine in traditional medicine with the ability to tonic blood, treat headaches, colds, dry coughs.  These two ingredients combine to create a nutritious dish that helps you replenish the blood needed for your body. Ingredients to be prepared 100g chicken liver 50g young mulberry leaves How to make strawberry chicken liver soup Cut chicken liver into bite-sized pieces and marinate with spices. Put the chicken liver in a pot of water to cook the soup. When the chicken liver

Exercise shoulder pain: causes and solutions

  Exercise shoulder pain is the story of no one's own.  You want to own broad shoulders with toned muscles, you go to the gym and lift the heaviest weight possible.  However, right after that, what you get in return is just bone pain, if you fall into this situation, this article is for you. Referring to shoulder exercises, everyone immediately thinks of exercises like Shoulder Press, Arnold Press, Lateral raises….  These are all well-known shoulder exercises that help build muscle.  But most of us forget one important thing, which is the peculiarity of the shoulder muscles. 1. Shoulder injuries are common in the gym If you do not know, the shoulder is a combination, inside is a ball joint, connecting the arm bone and shoulder blade.  There is a group of muscles that wrap around the shoulder joint to help stabilize it called the Rotator Cuff.  Gym shoulder pain has many causes but the most common is Rotator Cuff injury. The Rotator Cuff consists of four small muscle groups: the ter

10 effects of fresh green tea leaves to help you stay healthy

  Green tea is a familiar drink of many people because of its cool and purifying properties.  And if you know more 10 effects of fresh green tea leaves listed in the article below, you will love this "miracle medicine" even more. 1. Prevent the growth of cancer – the effect of fresh green tea leaves is great Researchers from the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute have determined that the EGCG component in green tea can suppress the growth of cancer cells.  Specifically, EGCG is a strong antioxidant, disrupting the metabolism of pancreatic cancer cells, thereby causing cell death. In addition, EGCG is also a "panacea" to help you: Prevent the growth of breast cancer cells, cervical cancer Inhibits the activity of colorectal cancer cells Limiting the male hormone that causes prostate cancer 2. Prevention of cardiovascular disease A study based on the green tea drinking habits of 40,530 adults in Japan found that those who drank 5 cups of green tea a day had a 2