Dishes from pumpkin (pumpkin) are always loved because of their delicious taste and extremely nutritious. will help you learn exactly 10 benefits of pumpkin for health!
1. Helps develop the brain – the effect of pumpkin is extremely impressive
Pumpkin contains a high amount of glutamine acid - an essential substance for the functioning of the brain. This component of pumpkin has an important role in nerve cell metabolism and brain nourishment.
In particular, pregnant women should add pumpkin to the menu, because this substance helps stimulate and develop the brain of the fetus. At the same time, eating dishes from pumpkin also helps to reduce complications and negative symptoms during pregnancy such as edema, high blood pressure... and prevent dengue fever after giving birth.
2. Good for the eyes
Eating pumpkin can help you prevent degenerative eye diseases. Because pumpkin contains high carotene content, after being absorbed into the body, it will convert this chemical into vitamin A to help maintain and develop vision.
3. Helps lose weight effectively
The low fat and calorie content in pumpkin is very suitable for the metabolism of people who want to lose weight. Nutritionists have said that eating pumpkin also creates a feeling of fullness for a long time, limiting the body's appetite. Therefore, this will be an ideal food for those who are looking to lose weight.
4. Strengthen the body's immune system
One of the main components of pumpkin is vitamin C - a substance that increases the body's resistance. Thanks to that, the immune system is improved, helping you to escape the attack of bacteria and viruses. Therefore, eat pumpkin to avoid common diseases.
5. Good for the heart
You can prevent some cardiovascular diseases by eating pumpkin. This food contains fatty acids such as omega 3 and omega 6 that help reduce bad cholesterol in the body. In particular, these acids are abundant in pumpkin seeds. You can buy roasted pumpkin seeds here.
You can refer to the article "7 effects of pumpkin seeds to help you stay healthy" here.
6. Deworming
Besides taking the usual medicine, you should combine it with eating pumpkin and roasted pumpkin seeds for more effective deworming. Not only that, if children eat pumpkin, they can also prevent helminths.
7. Cancer Prevention
Studies by scientists have shown that pumpkin contains a lot of beta-carotene. This substance has anti-inflammatory effects and prevents some cancers effectively. So, do not skip the dishes from pumpkin to reverse the risk of cancer!
8. Prevent the risk of diabetes
Pumpkin helps lower blood sugar in the blood, helping to avoid the risk of diabetes. Similarly, people who are suffering from this disease, if they eat pumpkin, will improve their body condition, avoiding the development of chronic diseases.
If you care about your health, don't forget to prepare foods to support exercise
9. Anti-aging
Pumpkin can help protect the skin against sun damage. The abundant vitamin C content in pumpkin can fight free radicals that cause aging, and even help beautify the skin.
10. Reduces Depression
The magnesium in pumpkin participates in chemical reactions in the brain. As a result, your mood will be more comfortable and relaxed. Therefore, eating pumpkin will help you dispel the stress in life.
Some harms when eating pumpkin the wrong way
The health benefits of pumpkin are impressive and worth considering. However, if you eat the wrong way, you will also face the following incalculable harms:
- Nutrition experts warn that eating a lot of pumpkin will make the skin at the tip of the nose, palms, and feet turn yellow.
- People who are suffering from digestive disorders should limit eating pumpkin because it contains a lot of fiber which is not good for the condition of the disease.
- Do not eat pumpkin that has been stored for a long time and cooked pumpkin in the refrigerator, because this will affect the health of the body.
The effects of pumpkin listed in this article prove this food is very good for health.
Therefore, do not ignore but should add pumpkin in the family meal tray. Please continue to visit our Health section for more useful information!
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